
BA (Hons), MSc


Prior to joining Professor Husain’s group, I worked for a medical equipment manufacturer. I was responsible for managing patient monitoring equipment, anaesthesia delivery and ventilation platforms in a number of hospitals across South West England. In 2014 I undertook an MSc in Psychology (conversion) at the University of St Andrews. During my MSc I was involved in a BBSRC funded research project investigating whether the proprioceptive gaze signal in the human somatosensory cortex influences the distribution of attention in visual space. My involvement in this project fostered my interest in cognitive neuroscience and enabled me to gain experience using transcranial magnetic stimulation. 

I joined Masud Husain’s Cognitive Neurology Research Group in February 2016 and I am currently working on projects investigating apathy, motivation and decision making in healthy and patient populations. I am very interested in the cognitive mechanisms underlying pathological apathy in patients with neurological conditions affecting frontal and subcortical brain regions.